Don’t Do Dumb Sh*t

This entry is part [part not set] of 9 in the series Injury Prevention Made Simple by RP

Introduction: Injury Prevention in the Gym

Dr. Mike Israetel offers valuable insights into injury prevention in the gym. While some injuries are inevitable and occur despite taking proper precautions, others can be avoided by not engaging in risky or thoughtless behaviors. In this article, we discuss seven common mistakes that can lead to injury and provide advice on how to avoid them.

1. Rushing or skipping warm-ups

Warming up is essential for injury prevention as it physically warms your body and sharpens your technique. Skipping this crucial step increases the risk of injury. To avoid this, always allocate enough time for a proper warm-up before starting your workout.

2. Altering your technique to grind out another rep

Changing your technique mid-set to complete another rep can lead to injury. Instead, stick to proper form and stop the set when you can no longer maintain it to avoid putting unnecessary strain on your muscles and joints.

3. Maxing out at random

Maxing out in the gym without proper preparation or periodization is dangerous and increases the risk of injury. Powerlifters and bodybuilders should follow a structured training plan and avoid maxing out without proper preparation.

4. Accepting a gym challenge for max or for reps

Accepting random gym challenges can lead to injury due to lack of preparation and possible ego-driven decisions. Avoid engaging in these challenges and focus on your own training goals.

5. Trying to keep up with training partners’ load, reps, and sets

Attempting to match your training partner’s load, reps, or sets is not only unnecessary but also risky. Choose weights and reps that are appropriate for your individual fitness level and goals, regardless of your training partner’s performance.

6. Engaging in “fuckery lifts”

Attempting risky and unnecessary exercises, often referred to as “fuckery lifts,” can lead to injury. Stick to tried-and-true exercises that have a purpose in your training plan and avoid engaging in these risky movements.

7. Physical stupidity outside of the gym

Activities such as arm wrestling, parkour, and high-contact pickup sports can lead to injury, particularly if you’re not trained for them. Be mindful of your actions outside the gym and avoid engaging in risky activities that can hinder your progress.

Conclusion: Avoiding Gym Injuries

Injuries can occur even when taking proper precautions, but many can be avoided by steering clear of risky behaviors in and out of the gym. By warming up correctly, maintaining proper form, avoiding random max attempts, not engaging in unnecessary challenges or risky exercises, and being mindful of your actions outside the gym, you can minimize your risk of injury and stay on track with your fitness goals.

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