Standardizing Your Caloric Intake

This entry is part [part not set] of 10 in the series Fat Loss Dieting Made Simple by RP


Dr. Mike Israetel from Renaissance Periodization provides valuable insights into starting a fat loss diet in a simple and effective way. This article will guide you through the process of standardizing your intake, tracking your daily macronutrients, and preparing yourself for a successful fat loss journey.

Step 1: Standardize Your Intake

– The first and most crucial step in starting a fat loss diet is figuring out your starting point.
– Track your daily intake of protein, carbs, and fats for a few days to a week or two to know where you’re at.
– Use tools like MyFitnessPal to easily track your intake.
– If you’re new to counting macros, watch the “Healthy Eating Made Simple” series on YouTube for guidance.
– Do not make any changes to your diet during this time, just track your intake.

Step 2: Get Comfortable with Tracking

– During the tracking process, you will become more familiar with the concept of tracking your intake.
– Tracking will be an essential part of your fat loss journey, so getting used to it early will reduce stress later on.
– By the time you start changing your intake for fat loss, tracking will feel like second nature.

Step 3: Use Your Intake Data to Create a Fat Loss Plan

– Once you have your average intake data, you can use it as a foundation for your fat loss diet.
– Adjust your intake intelligently to create a diet that promotes fat loss while maintaining energy, recovery, sleep, and muscle mass.
– This process typically takes one to two weeks.

Conclusion: Key Takeaways for Starting a Fat Loss Diet

– Standardize your intake by tracking your daily macronutrients for a few days to a week or two.
– Get comfortable with tracking your intake, as it will be a crucial part of your fat loss journey.
– Use your average intake data to create a personalized fat loss plan that promotes optimal fat loss while maintaining overall health.

Stay tuned for the next part of the series, where Dr. Mike Israetel will discuss choosing better foods for fat loss and diving deeper into an effective fat loss strategy.

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