Train LESS To Break Strength Plateaus

This entry is part [part not set] of 9 in the series Breaking Through Strength Plateaus by RP


Strength training is an essential part of any fitness routine, but at times, you might find yourself hitting a plateau. In this article, we’ll discuss various strategies for overcoming plateaus in your strength training, focusing on the importance of managing fatigue and incorporating recovery techniques.

Managing Fatigue and Recovery

To successfully overcome plateaus in strength training, it’s crucial to balance the adaptations that come from training with the accumulation of fatigue. Here are some of the most effective methods for managing fatigue and incorporating recovery techniques:

1. Off Days

  • Off days are essential to allow your body to recover and prevent injury.
  • Experiment with the number of off days per week that work best for you.

2. Technique Only Sessions

  • If you’re feeling fatigued or experiencing poor performance, consider doing technique only sessions.
  • Focus on low loads and crisp technique to reduce fatigue and improve your strength without overloading your muscles.

3. Technique Half Weeks

  • If you’re experiencing high fatigue, consider replacing some of your hard training sessions with technique only sessions for half a week.
  • This approach can help reduce fatigue and recharge you for more productive training.

4. Deloads

  • Deloads are periods of reduced training intensity, often lasting an entire week.
  • Deloads can effectively reduce accumulated fatigue and are a major plateau killer.
  • If you’re unsure about your deloading structure, consult a professional to create a suitable plan.

5. Active Rest

  • Active rest is taking a deload week followed by a week off from the gym, which can help lower training fatigue to almost zero.
  • This approach is highly recommended after powerlifting meets or during holiday seasons.
  • High-level athletes often take time off, so don’t hesitate to incorporate active rest periods in your training regimen.


In summary, overcoming strength training plateaus is often a matter of managing fatigue and incorporating recovery techniques. By utilizing off days, technique only sessions, technique half weeks, deloads, and active rest, you can ensure that your cumulative fatigue is well-managed and not holding you back from making progress. By addressing fatigue and recovery in a structured and effective manner, you can overcome plateaus and continue to make gains in your strength training journey.

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